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Neurasthenic Nation: America's Search for Health, Happiness, and Comfort, 1869-1920 (Critical Issues

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Results Neurasthenic Nation: America's Search for Health, Happiness, and Comfort, 1869-1920 (Critical Issues

Neurasthenic Nation Americas Search for Health ~ In Neurasthenic Nation America’s Search for Health Happiness and Comfort 18691920 David G Schuster argues “Neurasthenia was the topic that made it manageable to bring together American history culture health and what it means for people to think of themselves as normal

Neurasthenic Nation Americas Search for Health ~ Neurasthenic Nation reignites an interesting debate Does medical history study imaginary or real diseases For David G Schuster neurasthenia is a cultural figment that helped Americans deal with the growing stresses of the late nineteenth century “Neurasthenia recast many unpleasant aspects of life as undesirable byproducts of a nation trying to evolve and improve faster than the natural abilities of its citizenry could keep pace” p 1

David G Schuster Neurasthenic Nation Americas Search ~ In this concise history David G Schusters appropriately titled Neurasthenic Nation provides important insights and perspectives on the way in which Americans in the period understood the relation of mind and body At the moment when neurologists were seeking to define a specialty Dr George Miller Beard gave neurasthenia its name meaning deficiency of nerve strength and publicised it to a broad audience

Customer reviews Neurasthenic Nation America ~ In Neurasthenic Nation America’s Search for Health Happiness and Comfort 18691920 David G Schuster argues “Neurasthenia was the topic that made it manageable to bring together American history culture health and what it means for people to think of themselves as normal

Neurasthenic Nation Americas Search for Health ~ Start by marking “Neurasthenic Nation Americas Search for Health Happiness and Comfort 18691920” as Want to Read Want to Read saving… Want to Read

Neurasthenic Nation Americas Search for Health ~ Neurasthenic Nation Americas Search for Health Happiness and Comfort 18691920 Export a RIS file For EndNote ProCite Reference Manager Zotero Mendeley… Export a Text file For BibTex Note Always review your references and make any necessary corrections before using Pay attention to names capitalization and dates

Neurasthenic Nation Project MUSE ~ psychology to create health happiness and comfort The melancholy emptiness that often accompanied neurasthenia had a way of prompting people to introspectively reexamine their lives in search of reasons for their affliction2 Despite claims by physicians and pharmaceutical companies that the condition

Neurasthenic Nation Americas Search for Health ~ Neurasthenic Nation investigates how the concept of neurasthenia helped doctors and patients men and women and advertisers and consumers negotiate changes commonly associated with “modernity” Combining a survey of medical and popular literature on neurasthenia with original research into rare archives of personal letters patient records and corporate files David Schuster charts the emergence of a “neurasthenic nation”—a place where people saw their personal health as

Neurasthenic Nation Americas Search for Health ~ Free Online Library Neurasthenic Nation Americas Search for Health Happiness and Comfort 18691920Book review by The Historian History Books Book reviews Printer Friendly 34632336 articles and books

Neurasthenic Nation Medical Books ~ Combining a survey of medical and popular literature on neurasthenia with original research into rare archives of personal letters patient records and corporate files David Schuster charts the emergence of a “neurasthenic nation”—a place where people saw their personal health as inextricably tied to the pitfalls and possibilities of a changing world Medical books Neurasthenic Nation Americas Search For Health Happiness And Comfort 18691 author david g schuster format hardback
